Ankündigung: Benefex und Benify schließen sich unter dem neuen Namen Benifex zusammen, um einen führenden Anbieter für globale Rewards- und Benefit-Technologie zu schaffen. Lesen Sie die volle Story

Why choose Benifex?

Our truly mobile solution has reinvented the way modern employers engage their workforce...

Outdoor Meeting Customer Conversation HR Platform

Benifex is a truly global HR technology company

Benifex helps employers create an exceptional benefits and rewards experience while reducing benefits administration, automating processes, and improving employee communication.

Our award-winning platform and employee app have reinvented the way modern employers engage with their employees: ensuring better data governance and improved management of benefit and reward costs.

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Highly customizable HR platform

Communication is the key to every relationship, and this includes the relationship between employer and employee. Engage your employees anytime, anywhere from a single source with our integrated communication tool. Using targeted communication, you can create a unique and personalized employee experience for every employee.

Today, leading organizations are adopting a mobile-native mindset, enabling them to connect with their workforce like never before.

With Benifex’s mobile app, you can reach your entire workforce “on-the-go” or on-the-sofa, 24/7, with all the functionality of our SaaS global benefits and total rewards platform.

Mit der Benifex App immer und überall flexibel bleiben

Kommunizieren Sie mit Ihren Mitarbeitenden zeit- und ortsunabhängig über PC und Handy und versenden Sie die richtigen Nachrichten an die richtigen Zielgruppen!
duo phones ux benify app

Erleben Sie Benifex in Aktion

Wir zeigen Ihnen gerne, wie Sie mit unserer marktführenden Plattform für Mitarbeiterbenefits und Total Rewards Ihre HR-Prozesse optimieren.
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Because people matter

A company is only as good as its people. To be the best in your industry, you need to engage your workforce. And to do that, you need to find out what drives each individual.

It’s not just about salary. It’s about providing an engaging experience that strengthens the bond between employer and employee.

You need to offer benefits that support your entire workforce in all aspects of their lives and make them aware of their true value. Not just as employees, but as people.

Because where success matters, people matter.

Benifex. Because people matter.

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