ANNOUNCEMENT: Benefex and Benify come together under a new name, Benifex, to
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Eurosport France had a goal to communicate about their benefits more concisely. With a clear plan and strong cooperation from the start, the launch of their benefits and total rewards platform from Benifex was seamless.
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Eurosport Frances key HR challenges and the BENIFEX solution

Implementing and launching a benefits and total rewards platform is an exciting but challenging undertaking for any company. How do you ensure the launch goes smoothly? How do you make your employees aware of the platform and make sure they make full use of all the functions? Eurosport France is a perfect example of a perfect launch.

Eurosport France had more than 30 high-quality employee benefits, but there was very little consistency with how benefits were being communicated, and most employees were unaware of what they had access to. When Caroline Roque, Benefits & Compensation Manager, received a presentation of Benifex’s benefits platform at the HR Tech fair in 2016, she was impressed with what she saw and realized immediately that this was the solution she was looking for.

– “I had a look at the Benifex platform, and I said to myself, wow, we need to get this!”

Once Caroline had the support from the rest of the organization, it was time to evaluate the current situation and determine how the new benefits platform would be designed. Dedicated employees from Eurosport France collaborated ...

In close collaboration

– “Benifex had so much knowledge, and we worked together as a team to build the SSO and understand all technical aspects. No time was wasted because Benifex was always available to answer our questions”, says Caroline Roque.