ANNOUNCEMENT: Benefex and Benify come together under a new name, Benifex, to
create a new leader in global rewards and benefits technology READ THE FULL STORY
Adecco Group Logo
Adecco was in the market for an HR and employee solution that would help with employee retention and help reduce administration. One of the strategies for improving retention was finding a way to ensure employees were aware of the true value of their compensation beyond just their salary. Together with Benifex, Adecco made the decision to launch an employee benefits and total rewards platform called ‘You!’ to help them with these challenges.

The Adecco Groups key HR challenges and the BENIFEX solution

Adecco belongs to parent company The Adecco Group along with a large number of other brands including Modis, Spring Professional, Badenoch & Clark, Pontoon, Vettery, YOSS, Adia and Lee Hecht Harrison. In total, The Adecco Group employs more than 30,000 employees across 60 countries and territories worldwide.

With its market-leading global benefits and total rewards platform, Benifex sought to help Adecco reduce HR administration and create greater employee independence. Adecco launched their employee benefits platform, ‘You!’ on 1 September 2017. Since launching, an impressive 96% of employees are now aware of their total reward.

“The platform is the starting point for all our HR processes. We incorporated our benefits budgets and reward statements so that it would give employees a better understanding of their working conditions at Adecco”,...

"The platform is the starting point for all our HR processes."

“We incorporated our benefits budgets and reward statements so that it would give employees a better understanding of their working conditions at Adecco.” – Niels Kater, HR Analytics & Application Management Specialist at Adecco in the Netherlands