Knightec was looking for a way to create greater awareness around their benefits offering and to compile important employee information in one place. The consulting company wanted to create simplicity and increase engagement, which is why they elected for a Benify benefits portal for its 600 employees.

KnightecS HR utmaningar & benifys lösning

As a company made up of consultants in technology and leadership, it’s crucial to stand out as a modern and attractive employer. Offering a clear, easy-to-use employee portal filled with benefits and bespoke information may sound like the obvious thing to do. However, the reasons for starting the project were actually quite different.

Initially, Knightec sought a solution to evaluate its profit-sharing. When they spoke about Benify as a potential partner, they quickly realised that it was possible to do much more and that the original idea could be developed into an overall experience.

– “We had quite a few benefits, and with the evaluation, we decided to introduce some new ones while strengthening the existing ones,” says Mari Schäder, HR manager at Knightec.

After a six-week long implementation process, the portal was launched, and it quickly became popular among employees. For Knightec, it’s important that the portal is available as an app, thus available anywhere, anytime. For Mari Schäder, this development means that HR can work more strategically and focus on commitment and creating value:

– “Simplicity and accessibility creates commitment. You then need to evaluate the benefits offering every year to really know that what you offer is attractive. We see that benefits increase commitment and, therefore, it’s important to have a strategy”, she concludes.

A prediction for the future of HR

– “In the future, as many processes as possible will be digitised and automated. HR should, according to me, be an advisory and coaching expert for the business”, says Mari Schäder